Communist Easter Egg Hunt Society

. . . . . . . . . ."thereforth and so on..."


The Poster of 59 Glorious CEEHS Years!

We release the poster a day before the event
this year to give advance notice to the
central committee:

click image for large scale 150dpi poster

Savvy Communist hunters, good at finding small easter eggs, will note the prominently featured 1998, 2nd vancouver annual and 52 year of CEEHS poster. It is photographed taped to a pole in the traditional communist staging grounds of Douglas Park Community Centre.

Both clear plastic tape, duct tape, and staples are all used to affix the poster to signify:
  • the unity of the two main groups in the vanguard; the peasants and the workers as tape;
  • and the ideological vanguard, bourgeosie class traiters, as the staples.
As well, the poster's lower right hand corner image features a group shot of a boisterous comrades posing around a newly erected poster at soviet DPCC, during the 56th, 2002, evening pre-hunt/propaganda distribution.


At 9/4/06 16:37, Blogger Not Me said...

The DPCC is publicising the Communist Easter Egg Hunt on their website. It is interesting to note the lack of proper revolutionary symbolism employed by the DPCC vanguard. The reason for this glaring ommission is not reactionary treason, it is the politics of the 'useful idiots' of the Vancouver Parks Board whose liberal ideological hegemony must be appeased. Thus the words "community," "popular" and "children" have been
substituted for the words "communist," "revolutionary" and "vanguard."

[see link to DPCC]


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